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Contacto de prensa: Joy Kurtz
Gerente de Comunicaciones Corporativas
BUNNELL, FL – September 28, 2023 – Waste Pro Founder and Executive Board Chairman John Jennings and President and CEO Sean Jennings surprised ten employees on September 27th with breakfast, a plaque, and a $10,000 bonus, thanking them for their 20 years of dedication and service.
Among the employees honored during the celebration were Jeannie Amaro – Sanford, FL Customer Service Supervisor, Dave Black – Flager County, FL, Roll-Off Driver, Derrick Davis – Daytona, FL Residential Route Supervisor, Tim Dolan – Vice President of Government Affairs, Christopher Dudley – Fanning Springs, FL Residential Driver, Nancy Finley – Northeast Florida Sales Representative, Russell Mackie – Southeast Florida Vice President of Business Development, Cindi Tiger – Cocoa, FL Office Supervisor, Garrey Thompson – Ft. Pierce, FL Roll-Off Driver, and Denis Zeledon – Daytona, FL Grapple Driver.
During the presentation, Jennings shared personal stories of each recipient, all of whom he has developed close working relationships with over the past two decades. “These folks have made Waste Pro what it is today. We are a 100-year company, and these dedicated Waste Pros have helped with our tremendous growth as we look towards continued success in the future.” Also attending the celebratory event were President and CEO Sean Jennings and Keith Banasiak, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer. Both shared stories of the company’s beginnings and future growth and expansion projects. “We started as a people company and remain a people company today, which makes us the Distinguishable Difference. The Waste Pros we recognize today are the best example of how when you invest in your employees, that return is dedication, commitment to the same cause, and continued growth and prosperity. We thank you all for your years of service and for being the best part of Waste Pro,” Sean said during the award presentation.
Acerca de Waste Pro USA
Waste Pro USA, Inc. opera en diez estados del sudeste y es una de las empresas privadas de recolección, reciclaje, procesamiento y eliminación de residuos de más rápido crecimiento del país. Con ingresos proyectados que superarán los 1100 millones de dólares en 2023, Waste Pro presta servicios a más de dos millones de clientes residenciales y 100 000 clientes comerciales desde más de 90 ubicaciones operativas. Waste Pro tiene su sede en Longwood, Florida, y mantiene aproximadamente 300 contratos y franquicias municipales exclusivos.