Para publicación inmediata
Contacto de prensa: Melissa Catalanotto
Gerente de Comunicaciones Corporativas
SARALAND, AL – December 8, 2021 – Starting January 1, 2022, Waste Pro will be the new garbage service provider in the City of Saraland, AL.
Residents who currently receive service from Amwaste and signed up before November 1 do not need to do anything. Service will transition without interruption and collection days will remain the same (Monday/Thursday or Tuesday/Friday). Amwaste customers who signed up for service after November 1 should contact Waste Pro’s Spanish Fort/Mobile Division at 251-653-4774 to ensure there is no interruption in service.
Residents who are not current Amwaste customers and need to sign up for Waste Pro service can also contact Waste Pro.
Carts will be delivered the week of December 27 through December 31. Residents are asked not to use them until January 1.
Waste Pro will be providing garbage services. Yard and bulk waste services will be provided until March 1, 2022, at which time the City of Saraland will begin providing the services.
More information can be found at or residents can keep an eye on their mailboxes for postcards from Waste Pro the week of December 13.
“Our team has seen tremendous growth in the Mobile metro area in 2021, and we’re thrilled Saraland residents will join the Waste Pro family as part of that,” said Division Manager Jordan Scott. “We’re looking forward to helping them start the new year off right by providing the excellent service they expect and deserve.”
Acerca de Waste Pro USA
Waste Pro USA, Inc. es una de las empresas privadas de recolección, reciclaje, procesamiento y eliminación de residuos de más rápido crecimiento del país, que opera en diez estados del sureste. Waste Pro, con ingresos proyectados que superarán los $900 millones en 2022, atiende a más de dos millones de clientes residenciales y 100.000 clientes comerciales en más de 80 ubicaciones operativas. Waste Pro tiene su sede en Longwood, Florida, y mantiene aproximadamente 300 contratos y franquicias municipales exclusivas.