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Contacto de prensa: Melissa Catalanotto
Gerente de Comunicaciones Corporativas
CORAL SPRINGS, FL – March 7, 2022 – A Waste Pro Driver from the company’s Pompano Beach, FL Division is being hailed a hero for coming to the aid of a woman as she had a hemorrhage.
During Trent Applewhite’s usual route in Coral Springs, FL on February 7 he noticed a woman slowly falling out of the chair on her front porch. Trent managed to run over in time and catch her so she didn’t hit her head. Trent called 911 and followed their CPR instructions while waiting for an ambulance. Trent later found out the woman had a hemorrhage.
Thankfully, the woman survived and is now recovering.
The woman’s husband, Kevin, told Division Manager Farid Abuchaibe, “I am certain that…his selflessness in attention to my wife’s medical needs literally saved her life.”
“We are incredibly proud of Trent and his quick thinking,” Farid said. “Our drivers are put through rigorous safety training before they get behind the wheel, but this isn’t always something a person can be prepared for – he was at the right place at the right time and didn’t think twice about helping someone in need.”
Waste Pro President and CEO Sean Jennings added, “It’s an honor to have so many wonderful employees like Trent who understand they are integral parts of the communities they work in.”
Trent received Waste Pro’s Franklin Award of $100 for his heroic actions.
Acerca de Waste Pro USA
Waste Pro USA, Inc. es una de las empresas privadas de recolección, reciclaje, procesamiento y eliminación de residuos de más rápido crecimiento del país, que opera en diez estados del sureste. Waste Pro, con ingresos proyectados que superarán los $900 millones en 2022, atiende a más de dos millones de clientes residenciales y 100.000 clientes comerciales en más de 80 ubicaciones operativas. Waste Pro tiene su sede en Longwood, Florida, y mantiene aproximadamente 300 contratos y franquicias municipales exclusivas.