Para publicación inmediata
Contacto de prensa: Ron Pecora
Director de marketing
MEMPHIS, TN – September 21, 2020 – Waste Pro is proud to welcome Richard Sarac as its new Division Manager in Memphis, TN.
Sarac has nearly 30 years of experience in the waste industry. Throughout his career, he has been in all facets of the industry in roles including driver, route manager, district manager, and more, with a national waste company. Prior to joining Waste Pro, he worked as a Senior District Manager in Pompano Beach, FL, where he directed several large municipal contracts consisting of thousands of homes, including Pompano Beach, Parkland, and Davie. He has also managed several large municipal contracts in the Midwest, including Kansas City, KS.
“I’m confident that Richard will be a great fit here in Memphis,” said Regional Vice President Roland Joyner. “He brings a wealth of experience, knowledge and enthusiasm to Waste Pro and believes in listening and engaging with the employees, which leads to happier customers.”
Sarac earned his Associates of Arts in Business Administration from Benedictine University in Illinois.
Acerca de Waste Pro USA
Waste Pro USA, Inc. es una de las empresas privadas de recolección, reciclaje, procesamiento y eliminación de residuos de más rápido crecimiento del país, que opera en diez estados del sudeste. Waste Pro, con ingresos que superan los 1TP8700 millones, presta servicio a más de dos millones de clientes residenciales y 40.000 clientes comerciales en más de 75 ubicaciones operativas. Waste Pro tiene su sede en Longwood, Florida, y mantiene aproximadamente 300 contratos y franquicias municipales exclusivos.