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Contacto de prensa: Ron Pecora
Director de marketing
Jacksonville, FL – October 2, 2019 – Harry Cooper says his time serving in the military helped prepare him for a career in the garbage industry before he even knew it was what he wanted to do.
“I had to practice. And if you practice, things become second nature to you. I’ve had some close calls, but because I practiced, I went right back to what I was supposed to be doing,” Cooper said – a lesson that he learned during his eight years in the U.S. Navy and carries with him at Waste Pro.
During his time in the Navy, Cooper served in both Gulf Wars and traveled the world including Afghanistan, Iraq, Mexico, China, Singapore, and Japan.
“I’ve experienced a lot of things. I’ve seen stuff most people never even dream about.”
After serving eight years in the Navy, Cooper joined the waste industry starting on the back of a rear loader before earning is commercial driver’s license (CDL). He been with Waste Pro’s Jacksonville Division since 2007, when the company was awarded a 75,000-home City of Jacksonville contract.
During his time with Waste Pro, Cooper has made a large impact on the residents along his routes – and they’ve come to expect the best from him.
“Cooper runs a community that needs a lot of our attention,” said Division Manager David Searcy. “Recently, we had Cooper training someone on his pup truck route for them to eventually take over his route. I received multiple phone calls from the residents asking if Cooper was being fired. I asked why they would think such a thing, and they said because he has someone in the truck with him, which normally means that he’s being replaced. They went on to say what an excellent job he does and how kind and considerate he is when dealing with the community.”
Cooper won his second $10,000 Safety Award earlier this year, and is already on his way to his third.
“I don’t even think about it, I just do the little stuff every day and before you know it the time is up and you get it again,” Cooper said.
The job isn’t always easy, Cooper said. During the hot summer months, it can be uncomfortable. But – as he tells new drivers just starting their careers – it’s what you make it. For him, that means treating people the way you want to be treated and providing for his family.
“John Jennings got it right – take care of your drivers,” Cooper said. “To do your job and be rewarded with $10,000 – just for doing your job – there’s nowhere else I know that does that. The money has helped my family tremendously.”
Acerca de Waste Pro USA
Waste Pro USA, Inc. es una de las empresas privadas de recolección, reciclaje, procesamiento y eliminación de residuos de más rápido crecimiento del país, que opera en diez estados del sudeste. Waste Pro, con ingresos que superan los $700 millones, presta servicio a más de dos millones de clientes residenciales y 40.000 clientes comerciales en más de 75 ubicaciones operativas. Waste Pro tiene su sede en Longwood, Florida, y mantiene más de 270 contratos y franquicias municipales exclusivos.