MONROE, NC August 7, 2012– Monroe City Council voted unanimously in favor of privately owned Waste Pro over its publicly held competitors.
Starting October 1calle, Residents of Monroe will receive expanded services including curbside collection of bulk waste such as mattresses and white goods such as appliances. Additionally, the fully automated recycling trucks will be accepting a larger variety of recyclables in new 96 gallon carts. Along with the recycling cart, Monroe residents will receive a new solid waste cart, also 96 gallons.
In addition to once per week solid waste collection, new services, beginning on October 1calle, will include: bi-weekly single stream recycling with a closable 96 gallon cart, bi-weekly curbside bulk waste removal , and weekly curbside yard waste removal. Electronic waste pick-ups must be scheduled by calling Waste Pro at 704-821-7578.
Waste Pro entregará un nuevo carrito para desechos sólidos y un carrito para reciclaje a los residentes antes de la fecha de inicio del servicio. Los residentes también tendrán la opción de embolsar los desechos de su jardín o recibir un carrito para estos artículos.
Information regarding service schedules, containers, and placement will be distributed to residents in the coming weeks. Services will be managed by Waste Pro’s facility located at, 3901 Gribble Road, in Matthews, NC.
Para obtener más información sobre la transición o preguntas sobre los nuevos servicios, comuníquese con Waste Pro al (704) 821-7578.
Waste Pro is one of this country’s fastest growing privately owned waste collection, recycling, processing and disposal companies, operating in eight southeastern states. Serving more than 1.8 million residential and commercial customers from over 500 operating locations, Waste Pro is headquartered in Longwood, Florida, and maintains more than 250 exclusive municipal contracts and franchises.