Para publicación inmediata
Contacto de prensa: Ron Pecora
Director de marketing
GERMANTOWN, TN – April 13, 2020 – It appears Waste Pro has a new “helper” on one of its routes in Germantown, TN.
Driver William Jeffries recently noticed many houses along his route had teddy bears in the windows facing the street. When he asked a resident about it, the resident explained kids like to ride down the street with their parents in the car and make a game out of counting how many teddy bears they see. So, Jeffries decided to take part, too.
Jeffries took it upon himself to buy a giant teddy bear and mount it to the side of his truck like a helper would ride it. Residents and their children quickly noticed and have told him how much they love seeing him drive by every day.
Jeffries clearly pays close attention to detail, as Waste Pro Director of Safety Romeo Vellutini added: “I can’t help but point out that the bear is using 4-points of contact and looking for traffic approaching from the rear. Waste Pro bears are smarter than the average bear!”
As a reward for his creative thinking and initiative in getting involved in the community, Jeffries will be presented with a “Franklin Award” of $100.
Acerca de Waste Pro USA
Waste Pro USA, Inc. es una de las empresas privadas de recolección, reciclaje, procesamiento y eliminación de residuos de más rápido crecimiento del país, que opera en diez estados del sudeste. Waste Pro, con ingresos que superan los 1TP8700 millones, presta servicio a más de dos millones de clientes residenciales y 40.000 clientes comerciales en más de 75 ubicaciones operativas. Waste Pro tiene su sede en Longwood, Florida, y mantiene aproximadamente 300 contratos y franquicias municipales exclusivos.